Private message from: Michele Blood

Dear Friend,

Are you an aspiring motivational speaker or a speaker with some experience? Have you ever wondered IF there might be a way to become a highly paid and successful motivational speaker?

You always have two options in life… you can think small inside of everybody else’s box of limitations or you can go outside of any box, look up to the unlimited sky, and THINK BIG.

You can become an articulate, genuine, and passion provoking, illuminating speaker and touch people’s lives in a positive empowering way anywhere at anytime to anyone. This is so important whether or not you are speaking to a small or large group. You may wish to become a leader in your network marketing company or you may wish to polish up your skills if you are a consultant. It’s your choice. It is always your own choice. This is your life; nobody else can live it for you.

There is no worse feeling than being trapped in a job you do not enjoy when your passion is all about helping other people through your own inspiring stories and background. You have to love what you do. I know you have heard it before but it is so important it deserves repeating. If being a speaker is what you love to do than you must do it!!

To be successful in any field you have to separate yourself from 97% of the rest of the world and this is why only 3% of speakers make it, YOU can be part of that 3% or expand it and make it 4%. Again it is your choice. It has nothing to do with your educational background or financial status. You can become who you want to become. The only limitations are the ones we or others have given to us. Give those limitations back right now. Yell it from the roof tops………………..

I HAVE NO LIMITATIONS! I can and I am going to be a great speaker and be who I desire to be!!

There is a formula that the 3% top speakers live by and that you too can follow to be successful. Could there be some speakers who have truly attained worldwide success and are willing to share their success formula with you?

The answer is absolutely!  But finding them is another story all together…

You see, these successful “men and women” do not go around sharing their lifelong trade secrets!  They don’t seek to do this because they are too busy speaking at their own events and seminars and making lots money that sharing their formula to success is the last thing on their mind.  These successful speakers are quite content to remain in the spotlight and let the money roll in, while keeping their secrets very close to the vest.

How This All Came About…

Now, since I’m on the “inside” of the speaking world – I’ve been privy to work with and share the stage with the most successful motivational speakers in the world such as Bob Proctor, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Dr. Deepak Chopra, Stuart Wilde, and many others!  And they all started where you may be right now!

During my years of touring the world I have been listening to my seminar participants ask me the “same old questions” over and over again.  “How do I put on my own events? How can I become a successful motivational speaker? How can I speak in the USA? How can I speak in Internationally?”  etc. etc.  I felt it was about time someone who knew how could help aspiring speakers excel.  I knew I was that someone who could help others achieve success and take their speaking careers to a whole new level.  I can’t believe so many people have to struggle trying to get their speaking careers off the ground and speak for free year after year. 

Why is this?

Many speakers start with big goals and a great vision for themselves and then they get distracted by other things that compete for their attention every day. We all go through this and we must learn how to stay focused. You have to stay focused on your goals every single day and take positive action every day.

In the professional speaking arena, knowledge is the key to power and success. Invest the money necessary to know what you are doing. But how and where do you start?  

Then I started thinking “Wouldn’t it be an amazing thing to help educate these people who have a true calling to become a speaker, learn the ropes so they too can start their careers doing what they love to do and not only will they be spreading their light, passion, and wisdom they will at last start making money in the profession that they love.

I realized the time, money, and frustration I could save aspiring speakers that really wanted to learn.  I've made mistakes on my own path to becoming a motivational speaker and my experience could save people years of pain and frustration of wasted effort and money.  Right there and then I made a decision to "go for it" and create a One Time Only International Seminar Training Event specifically designed to help speakers become successful and prosperous in their speaking careers. 

That is how the “Insider Secrets To Becoming A Motivational Speaker” event was born.

Do You Have the Desire to
Motivate, Inspire and Teach Others?

Giving renewed hope and inspiration to others through teaching/speaking is a true calling and can be extremely fulfilling, but it is not easy to work out if you have what it takes.  You need much more than just the desire to speak and help others, you require training, education, and make a decision that you will do everything it takes to be part of the 3% group who are helping change our world.

You may not think you have enough energy for the task but in truth you have more energy than you think you have. Most people only work at about 30% capacity if that much. You can do much more. Most people only work well when they have to, such as a crisis or an emergency gets their engine running. What a terrible way to live. If you do what you love and know HOW to do it your energy will be running at full on capacity in no time.

It is my intention to help YOU and every single person who chooses to go for it and come to this powerful event learn how to bring up your energy, passion, and your unlimited power to full focused, steam ahead action. AND you can do this with a peaceful, happy mind and heart. You just need instructions on the how?

Everything can be learned in step by step ways. It is not scary, it is exciting.

If you want to be a success you have to get used to hearing the word no - which comes from your own mind - and ignoring it. If your heart says YES then YES it is. The heart is always right, the mind always wants to say NO.

I know a lot of speakers who are in the 3% group who quite honestly do not have great talent, but they do have passion and they also possess one very important quality that Bob Proctor and I speak about intensely and that is PERSISTENCE!

You can do it too. This event will help anyone no matter what their background. You just need the desire. The how will manifest itself WHEN you make a decision and to make that decision before this event is filled up which will be soon.

If you have a calling to be a successful life changing Speaker and your heart says yes than do not let anybody stop you from coming to this event for it WILL change you in such high, positive ways that YOU will not come back. A new you will come back from this event, a new you that can help this world be brighter.

If you do indeed have the heart felt desire to help, inspire, and teach others then the way HOW will always be made clear to you when you make a decision and say YES to your own heart’s desire.

Now you can go on further through this letter and see what you will learn and the details.  But please remember if you are on a quest to live your dream you cannot afford to be complacent. The decision you make today will produce results tomorrow.

It's important to learn how to deliver a great motivational talk, in addition to understanding the business side of putting on an event. 

Just as wanting to be a singer or an actor is a calling, it is also a business (Show Business) and so is the business of becoming a speaker.  You must learn the business side of speaking if you wish to make a great living $$$ doing it.

"We must keep our feet on the ground and our head in the clouds of inspiration and imagination."

So my friend, keep reading as this could be the answer to your prayers.  Decide now to have 2008 be your most successful financial year. It is all here waiting for you!

Love, Michele

PS For additional information about Michele Blood and her 19 year PLUS global career as a motivational leader, best selling author etc click here


What You Will Learn from this Powerful
2 or 3 Day Intensive Workshop:

  • How To Motivate and transform a live audience. You can become an articulate, genuine and entertaining shining star who will illuminate all who hear and see you speak. This is so important whether or not you are speaking to a small or large group. You may wish to become a leader in your network marketing company or you may wish to polish up your skills if you are a consultant. Knowing how to motivate an audience will help you throughout your whole life, even with kids!! How do you do this exactly?  Well it is different for every speaker, however when you learn how to combine metaphysics with motivation, that is when you truly transform. There is everything inside of you that you require. You have all of the power, charisma,  all of the magic and intelligence to transform any audience. In this segment of the seminar event we will be helping you do much more than polish up a great story or talk, you will also learn how to polish you.
  • How to put on your own event.  This is an exciting and important portion of this seminar. Especially if you have been dreaming about doing your own larger events but are not sure how to start or how big or small to go. It is so fulfilling and rewarding not to mention financially exciting to do your own events. They do not have to be large to begin. Get your feet wet first with a group of say 25-50. You will learn how to set  up the room so that energetically people will FEEL good the moment they walk into your event. Also covered sound, food, temperature, location, how to find and negotiate rental  prices at venues, accommodations, advertising, sound equipment, music, entertainment and much more. You will learn that this is FUN and not scary at all when you know which steps to take when doing your own creative events. 
  • What to charge based on who you are and how much experience you do OR do not have.
  • Your Most Valuable Asset.  Your voice, your most valuable asset, your instrument so to speak, must be taken care of.  Let Michele share her secrets, of not only how to strengthen and use your voice, but how to protect it so you won't ever have to cancel a big event.  After applying everything that you learn from this amazing seminar, you'll be busy speaking at events, so learning how not blow out your voice is very important.
  • How to effectively use a microphone.  Many speakers accept the little clip on mic when doing presentations.  Knowing how to use a microphone and is essential when you are motivating a crowd.  As a speaker, you are also considered an entertainer, and as such you must learn to use your "best friend" the microphone, with all its magical secrets.  Michele has had the most famous speakers of today, attend one of her dynamic presentations and ask her to teach them how to use a mic and sound as dynamic as she does.
  • How to record your own professional audio programs and sell them at your event.  Includes, how to create and record e-audio programs and have them distributed to hundreds of retail and wholesale websites. 
  • How to create your own booking contracts.  Template contracts will be given to you as part of the course. This is vital if you are being booked by a separate party or corporation.                       
  • How To package and present your promotional kit.  Includes Michele's unique packaging formula you can use for free.
  • Video and Audio Demos.  If you wish to add a demo promo on DVD, windows media video or audio, Michele will teach you how to put this  together on a small or healthy budget.  Promos are not always necessary however, if you wish to be booked by event planners and bureaus, you will be asked for a video promo, especially if they have not seen you speak in person.
  • How to get corporations to hire you. Learn how to approach fortune 500 companies and corporations with confidence.  Even if they have never heard of you, learn how to have them hire you and pay you HUGE bucks to motivate their employees.  Even one contract can have you working for years.
  • Learn How To Write A Book in 3-30 days.  Michele's unique and easy way to write a book has been hailed by authors worldwide as the fastest, most clever method to complete books in record time. No writer's block with Michele's method.
  • Infomercials / TV shows Do you need them? How do they work? 
  • Marketing Intensive.  We will be uncovering astounding information on marketing yourself, your products and events that will seem "mind-blowing." Learn how to recognize who is your target audience.  Very important for marketing purposes of your products and speaking engagements.
  • Promotion Intensive. We will be covering all the free and small budget ways (in addition to higher end budget ways) to promote yourself and your events in ways that will seem unbelievable. People will wonder what cave they have been hiding in, if they have not heard of you, with these priceless PR ideas.
  • Publicists.   For those who do have a few thousand dollars in your budget and are looking for a professional publicist to book radio and TV shows, Michele will cover this topic in detail so you are not taken on a ride.  This is one of those topics that WILL save you a fortune!  Not everyone is ready for a publicist, but many are talked into getting one and they lose their so much money. There are great publicists in the world, however, they are few and far between.  Michele knows who they are and what they can and cannot do for you.
  • How to teach and speak Internationally.  Covers how to gain recognition internationally.
  • Speaker Bureaus/Agents.  Do you need one? When do you need one? How to find a good one and how to help them help YOU.
  • What to speak about.  We will be covering great title ideas for your own workshops and keynote presentations.  In addition, you will learn how to become an expert in your area.  If you do not as yet have a clear topic, this segment of the event will help you.
  • Presentations and Keynote talks.  Here we get to the meat of what this is all about.  HOW to bring light and excitement to any audience member anywhere in the world as a keynote speaker ( 45 mins to 2 hours.)  Learn to speak with passion and love so that you can move your audience and transform the lives of anyone who comes to hear you speak as a keynote speaker.
  • Workshops.  How to put on a Full Day Workshop that your participants will be raving about.
  • Question & Answers and Masterminding. We have different levels for this event and at the Platinum and Blue Diamond levels  Extra full days training will take place where we hold a question and answer session and a mastermind session to help you with your individual needs and advice. This will be held on Sunday April 20th all day.
  • Common mistakes that make you look like a beginner.
  • When and where a speaker should speak for free and why you never TRULY speak for nothing.
  • Also teaching at this amazing ONE TIME ONLY Event
  • Jesus Nebot  
    Speaking at colleges and universities is truly rewarding work and does have many benefits.   See for yourself how to speak at these venues and if speaking there is beneficial for your topic.
     This segment of the event will be  taught by internationally acclaimed multi award winning actor and director Jesus Nebot.
    The messages conveyed by Jesus thorough his award winning film “No Turning Back” and his powerful speaking programs he conducts at colleges all over the country make him the perfect person to teach and  inspire those at the event who are interested to learn the steps to take to be paid to teach at colleges and universities.
  • Carole Dean
  • Thirty years ago Carole Dean took a $20 bill and turned it into a $50 million a year industry when she reinvented the tape and short end industry in Hollywood, NYC, and Chicago.  In 1992 Carole created the Roy W. Dean Grant Foundation in honor of her late father. To date Carole’s grant and mentorship programs have provided filmmakers with millions of dollars in goods and services and have played an instrumental role in establishing the careers of some of the industry’s most promising filmmakers. As president and CEO of From the heart Productions, between 1994 to 1998, Carole produced over 100 television programs, including the popular cable program, HealthStyles, where she interviewed some of the biggest names in the industry including, Dr. Deepak Chopra, Dr. Weil, and Dr. Caroline Myss.

    A sought-after international speaker, Carole is currently touring the U. S. with her popular books, "The Art of Film Funding: Alternative Financing Concepts" published by Michael Wiese Publication, teaching filmmakers how and where to find funding. Her newest book is for a wider audience, “The Art of Manifesting: Creating your Future” was created to enrich lives. Carole is a master at helping people present their ideas and projects so we are very blessed to have her teaching you at this amazing event.
  • Dr. Lawrence T. Bond
  • Lawrence T. Bond, PhD, RScP, is a powerful man of great faith and experience in Metaphysics and our spiritual selves. He knows how to explain clearly and powerfully how to use the Power of the Universe to Manifest.  He has studied Eastern Philosophy for over thirty years. Lawrence will be teaching us about manifesting and The Law Of Attraction so you can call upon your higher self and literally have cosmic ordering for the experiences and things you wish to manifest into your life including GREAT speaking engagements!

    Michele says "Lawrence has created powerful techniques to teach individuals the way the Universe responds to our thoughts and HOW we can manifest greatness. He will also teach you how to release negative lines of energy in ways that will seem like magic once you utilize his great advice and teaching. What I adore about this great teacher and soul is his love and desire to help YOU become ALL that you desire to be."
  • Krystalya Marie.  Internet Marketing - Reaching Your Audience without Leaving Your Office
  • We are so excited and blessed to have another awesome Speaker, Krystalya Marie. She has worked in the computer industry for over 30 years as a technology expert and business analyst.  As technology changed she worked with major corporations such as Detroit Edison, McKesson Drug, and Merck Pharmaceuticals in the design and development of their web presence.  Krystalya will be teaching at our amazing event a simple step-by-step approach to getting your message to the world using the Internet.  During this presentation Krystalya will share with you her simple secrets to creating an effective Internet presence without spending thousands of dollars.  You will learn how to create relationships with people across the world that you may never meet face to face that will love you and your message. 

    Some of the topics that she will cover are:

  • How to start building a list in less than 24 hours.

  • Different types of websites pros & cons of each.

  • List building, what is it and why it's so important.

  • How to build strong relationships with the people on your list.

  • Top methods for driving traffic to your website & how to choose what will work best for you.

  • The power of teleseminars and webinars.

  • The power of Audio & Video on your site.

  • Using video to promote your site.

  • Spreading the word through Joint Ventures.

  • Turning your list into huge profits.

The Right Mentor For You.....

...who can not only inspire you, but also teach you from their own vast experience, can be the single most important influential career move you can make.

Having someone of Michele's caliber teaching and mentoring you at this one-time only specialized event could very well be the most impacting decision you could make throughout your speaking career. 

Michele has shared the stage and has been hired by the very best in this amazing world of motivational speaking including: Bob Proctor, Stuart Wilde, Dottie Walters, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Dr. Deepak Chopra, Hollywood Producers, Governments, Motorola, Nestle, and hundreds of other large, international corporations.

Bob Proctor, Author Best seller “You Were Born Rich” and Teacher on “The Secret.”  

“Michele Blood is truly a special person.  For over three decades, I have made a serious study of the mind and how to live a full and balanced life.  I have taught tens of thousands of people around the world how to properly utilize their God given potential, and then along came Michele Blood.  She had a very positive impact on my life of which I am truly grateful. I went on to create products with her and amazing live events.  Invest in her entire library, see her in person and let this petite   powerhouse show you a fast and effective way to enjoy more of life’s rich rewards.”

Brian Tracy, World Renowned Author
“There is a significant difference between motivational material that is interesting and entertaining and educational material, which brings about change in your attitudes, your thoughts, your behaviours, and the things you do and things you don’t do.  Michele has put together the combination of materials that bring about permanent behavioural change and behavioural change is the key to success.  It is not a miracle, once you apply Michele’s materials to every part of your life you can get results in 24 hours, many people do..”

Who Will Benefit from Participating

  • Aspiring Motivational Speakers
    If you have a message that will help change this world and you wish to truly motivate and inspire others, then this intensive event is a must for you.  Become a speaker who truly creates a positive change, learn how to "Speak up, Motivate, and Make Your Voice Heard."

  • Speakers/Trainers
    Learn the from an insider on how to promote and set up your own live events.  No longer will you have to rely on others to book your speaking engagements.  Learn the exact steps on what successful speakers do in order to make money at their own events and seminars.

  • Speakers Who Wish to Go International
    If you desire to reach out globally and speak internationally, Michele will share with you how she did it and how you can too.

  • Authors
    You have a book and a story that inspires that you wish to bring to the world.  Learn how to share your book, your story with a live audience.  Learn how to cut to the main points of your book and how to translate your book into a talk that will touch peoples hearts. This is especially beneficial if you are an author and have not yet spoken to a live audience. This is a powerful way to promote your book.

  • MLM - Network Marketing Trainers
    Learn how to set up great Motivational Training events for your growing business and learn how to motivate your team to the highest levels.  In order to win in network marketing you must motivate and inspire your team so that they are eager and ready to succeed for you.

  • Consultants/Trainers
    Learn how to promote and set up your own live events.  Learn how to go straight to corporation's main people or put on events for multinational banks and corporations.  Michele has done this and has had main trainers from Shell Oil, Multi National Banks, Motorola, and Prudential Insurance all at the same event.  All these corporations have funds set aside to have motivational training for their sales teams.  Michele will show you how you too can accomplish this.

  • Ministers
    If you wish to begin to build up a following, yet you do not have a premises, no need to wait for the funds or for a church hire you.  Start right now and learn how to book and set up venues UNTIL you have your own location.


Learn the secrets to promoting your own events with little to no money.  This segment of the event is extremely beneficial for novice promoters who wish to start.  You desire to work in the motivational industry and perhaps you are not yet ready to become the main speaker.   What a great way to learn and make money by promoting speakers that have inspired you.  You can make money as a promoter and put on your own events for speakers/authors that you love.  So many people attempt to promote speaking events with little or no experience and nearly always come out disillusioned and broke.  The good news is that this event will show you how to make money as a promoter if that is where you wish to start.

Don Woodruff, Author Speaker Kangaroo Method (Former Director Rochester Info-Courses)

“In the seminars done at Rochester Info-courses, Michele Blood took our students to a new level of excitement and ability.  Her classes allowed participants to blow through their personal stops and realize that they, as individuals, can indeed accomplish their goals and live their highest dream.  Between visits, her books and audio programs continually sell in the center’s bookstore.  I have since through her inspiration gone on to become a successful speaker and work speaking and teaching full time all over the USA.. I highly recommend Michele’s seminars to everyone.  Michele is a world class teacher of teachers."

Samuel A. Cypert, Author, “Achieve and Believe”

“Michele Blood has combined the essence of two great ideas: music and autosuggestion.  Autosuggestion has long been recognized as a powerful motivational tool and music has inspired every generation for centuries.  In her singing affirmations, Michele Blood combines the two and shares the power that has propelled her to great success – power that can help you motivate yourself to the highest levels of achievement.  Michele belongs in every achiever’s library. See her live in person whenever you can”

What We Learn in School Does NOT
Help Us in the Real World

If only there was a school to teach you how make it in the motivational Industry, unfortunately there isn't.  Imagine the years of making mistakes, wasted time, effort, and money.

Now, imagine if there was such a teacher who would be willing to show you the ropes and show you the steps that they took that led to their success!

Not just a teacher who is copying notes from books and stealing ideas, but someone who is actually doing it.  There is so much information on the internet today, anyone can put a quick ebook or together.  But how can that help you in the real world if the author hasn't done live events or spoken to audiences worldwide themselves?

 You Just Need to Find a Successful Speaker Who Will
Teach You Everything They Know

A speaker who would be willing to teach you, so that you can learn how to apply that knowledge immediately.  Not only how to transmit your message passionately, but also how to put on your own exciting workshops and events.

Most speakers speak for free, even if they are really good.  If they continue to speak for free and not make any money, they lose their enthusiasm and passion for speaking.  Inevitably, they end up giving up on their dream and settle for a normal day to day job.

At this one-time-only event you are going to learn, not only the abc's of the multi-billion dollar motivational industry, but also how to become a truly great speaker.  An extraordinary speaker who changes lives!

Learn to speak with passion and love so that you can transform the lives of all who come to hear you speak.  After all, inspiring and motivating others is why you desire to speak right?  Of course, being your own boss and having financial freedom, traveling the world etc. are all the extra perks.

As Michele says, "Audience members think they are paying to be educated when they attend an event, however the education is icing on top of the cake.  What people really want is to be inspired and motivated.  Inspiring someone to take positive action in their lives is the greatest gift you can give.  What you actually teach is a side benefit, what they truly want is to be motivated and inspired.  We must learn how to transform and uplift every soul that walks through those doors.  I would love to inspire and educate you to do this VERY successfully and meet you in person at our ONE TIME, live, 2 ½ day event.”

Rather than remaining an idle and complacent observer of your life, take control of your circumstances and learn the techniques that generate the power necessary to become an extraordinary speaker.  Decide now in this moment before all 100 seats are taken on whether you are going to be ordinary or extraordinary. The extra-ordinary simply took extra action.  Take that action today and become a MASTER of your life.

Register for this One Time ONLY Event Today!  DO IT even if it scares you.  The opportunities that we have asked for that truly help us excel in life scare us a little.


Because something within us wishes to stay where it is. Stuck! Will you listen to your heart and excel or listen to the fear and stay where you are?

Register NOW

Click Here to Register Safely and Securely

A True Mentor Can Quickly Speed  Up Your Success

Imagine... the years you will save from learning the how to's of being a professional speaker straight from a successful speaker who has put on small and LARGE events worldwide.  Nobody else of her caliber has ever taught these secrets.  UNLESS they are training you to teach their own material, which typically you pay around $20,000 to become a consultant, and around $500,000 for the licensing rights.  This is fine if that is what you are looking for however, this one-time event will show you how to teach YOUR own material at your own events and seminars. Then YOU can build up your own reputation and uniqueness.

Dottie Walters -Walters International Speakers Bureau.  Author of the best selling book "Speak and Grow Rich"

“Michele Blood is one of the most dynamic, inspiring women I have ever met.  I recommend her complete catalog and her teaching events absolutely, positively and with total enthusiasm.  Listening to Michele is better than all the cups of coffee in the world and far more lasting.”

You Don't Have to Waste the Next 5, 10, 15, PLUS Years
as a Frustrated, Failed Motivational Speaker...

  • Save Years of Trial and Error - Most aspiring speakers never achieve success. You don't have to waste away valuable years of your life, just to learn methods that never lead to success. The quicker you learn the methods, that top, successful speakers use, the faster you can reach your dreams.

  • Save Precious Time and Money - These are extraordinary principles. People could waste their entire lives struggling to acquire them.  Others will pay hundreds and thousands of dollars to buy books and tapes and CD's that never lead to success.  

Are You Ready To Be Taken By The Hand
And Shown The Step-By-Step Methods 
to Becoming a  Successful Motivational Speaker?

Well, now is your opportunity ...

introducing The ONE TIME ONLY EVENT

"Insider Secrets to Becoming a Motivational Speaker" 
2 & 3 Day Motivational Speaking Intensive Workshop...

On April 18th,19th, and 20th in San Diego, California. The "Insider Secrets to Becoming a Motivational Speaker", will finally be revealed for the very first time.

You need MUCH more than CDs, books or videos when it comes to learn how to succeed as a speaker.  You need a real person right in front of you showing you each step of the way.  This workshop is unlike any other "seminar" you might have attended...

This workshop will be Michele and her team teaching YOU over the course of two and a half very intensive days of training. 

Okay, So What's the Cost for this Amazing Seminar?

It has taken Michele years and years of experience to accumulate this knowledge.  If it cost $20,000 it would be well worth attending, because it can change your career forever.

The good news is that it's NOT $20,000, NOT $10,000, or even $3,000.

We are not going to charge anywhere close to that because we want every one who is serious about creating their own success to be able to afford it.

We Now have three different levels to chose from Blue Diamond. Platinum and Silver Level. Click here to check out your choices while there are still seats available.
Register NOW
Click Here to Register Safely and Securely

Okay, YES PLEASE I Want To Attend Your Workshop!"

Okay, so maybe you're wondering what the BONUSES are?

I'm sorry to disappoint you, but there are no bonuses besides the early bird special.

If you honestly feel that I need any extra bonuses just to "bribe" you to get you to attend my workshop, then maybe you need to reread this letter...

...because you haven't yet grasped how valuable this insider information that I will be sharing with you.

Here are the details of where the workshop is being held...'s being held in sunny San Diego, California. The event is taking place on April 18th, 19th  and 20th 2008.

I have secured a special rate with the hotel for your accommodations. You will learn all about it after you register however there are plenty of other hotels in walking vicinity in beautiful downtown San Diego right near the harbour and more.

You Will Get Access to This Meeting Location in San Diego, CA after you register.  Michele or one of her staff will be personally calling you after you register.

Remember this type of event at this price does not exist and is scheduled to be sold out. (while other seminars struggle to fill the room and are even selling seats right up until the very day of the event)  I have a feeling with all the buzz  - this one could sell-out fast!  (And since we already have pre-registrants, we’re already way ahead of schedule for selling seats!)

However, by taking care of this now you could lock in your seat.  Classified hotel information will be provided only to registered people.

Just a quick word on our location…San Diego is especially nice during the Spring so you may want to tack on an extra day or two to your trip.  San Diego is one of the most glamorous cities in the world.  From the luxury shopping to the famous landmarks to the glitzy hot spots – you will find more than enough to keep you having fun!


Raymond Justice, Author Speaker “Power of Intuition"
"Michele Blood has a way of taking you to a place that is larger and wider than you had envisioned on your own.  Her beliefs, her knowledge and her boldness, strength of word, take positive thinking to a whole new level.   -- who would have ever believed three years ago that I would now be a published author and speaker? Michele believed in me and encouraged me, having seen her in person was amazing and her wonderful methods mad me stay on track ."

Here's How To Register For This One Time Only

2 & 3 Day Intensive Workshop...

1a:   Click Here to Register Safely and Securely

1b:   Pay by Check, If you wish to attend and want to pay by check. Please fax in your enrollment form by clicking the link above and printing out the form. Send the enrollment form by FedEx, UPS or Express mail with your personal or company check to:

MusiVation International LLC.,
2658 Del Mar Heights Rd #313
Del Mar, Ca 92014

We strongly suggest FedEx because even if you are registered your seat will not be booked until payment has been made.  If all the seats have been registered at the time we receive your check, your payment will be FedExed back to you immediately.

2. Describe Your Business On The Registration Form
Please be as specific as possible. Tell us about your goals and experience and what you hope to get out of the workshop.

3. After Submitting Your Registration Form.
lease leave a valid phone number where you can be reached.  If event is fully booked at the time you register, your credit card will not be charged and if you have sent a check it will be mailed back to you.

If you ARE registered in time, Congratulations! We will send you the full details on the special rates at the hotel. The airport you will be flying into is San Diego International Airport (SAN). We will be holding a special live teleconference call to prepare you for the event.

We look forward to working with you and helping you take your speaking career to levels you never dreamed possible!

All the best,

Michele Blood and all of us at MusiVation International

Jesus Nebot, Mystic filmmaker International Film Star ("No Turning Back Winner of 21 International Film Awards"), Public Speaker

“There are a lot of motivational programs in the market, but none as powerful, fun, dynamic and empowering as Michele Blood's MUSIVATION. She delivers her ground breaking technology and life changing insights with such passion and joy that it is almost impossible not to be transformed in the moment. She encouraged me and now I also am helping people wake up to the love inside them through my workshops all over the USA.”

Dr. Ray Mazon, Albuquerque, NM

"I completed in 2003 one of Michele Blood's mentoring events and found it to be one of the most powerful, transforming experiences I've ever had in a single day.  One of the things people wonder about when they are considering attending something like this is whether it's for real, is it going to be worth my while, does it work, and am I getting taken for a ride. I attest that Michele is the real thing, beyond your wildest expectations. Do not miss her seminar.  In fact, drive 500 miles, fly across the oceans if you have to. Absolutely one of the best things I have ever done for not only myself, and all the people around me.  I am full of gratitude for her generous teaching."


Chan Chiou Kieng, Nestle Corporation

“We hired Michele Blood to motivate our whole country sales convention and did a road show for our Nestle team in seven major cities in Malaysia. Michele is a motivational speaker and singer who can really drum up a sales force. Our sales teams do not get commissions and yet now they are all working with great motivation and are happier in their work. I’ve recommended Michele to our Taipei headquarters and I recommend her to any sales force.”

Punk Patton, Seminar Leader, Business Entrepreneur, Albuquerque, NM

"Over the last 20 years I have listened to a lot of seminar leaders, but the useful insights and practical advice I heard from Michele tops them all.  The best combination of engaging entertainment and solid business advice I have ever seen.  The best investment  I could make.  Don't miss this one"

Jim Cathcart, CSP, CPAE Best Selling Author and International Seminar leader

“Michele you are a dynamo!  Rarely do I meet someone who has the energy, the talent and the enthusiasm that you have.  It is impressive to see how well you’ve built your career.  You have a lot to offer to people and your enthusiasm and information is indeed contagious and unique. Congratulations on all that you’ve done and best wishes for reaching more and more audiences every year.”


Craig Maedl Media Director, Media World Communications, Inc.

“MEDIA WORLD is an advertising agency that has been involved in direct response television for the past 10 years, creating and producing infomercials. Additionally, they buy airtime all over North America.  Michele Blood’s Be A Magnet To Success is one of the best programs we have ever seen, both from a production standpoint and simply by having Michele as the host and author of such outstanding MotiVational products. She’s a dynamic personality who generates excitement and MEDIA WORLD feels anyone can benefit greatly from her live seminars and TV shows. ”

Copyright 2008 MusiVation™ International, Inc. All rights reserved
P.O. Box 12933 La Jolla, CA 92039-2933
e (858) 268 8688   Fax 858.277.0629

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