Hello selfgrowth.com friends and associates,

Please listen to this message right NOW! This message could be the turning point in your life to truly become a Magnet To Money, SUCCESS, and HIGH Love Frequencies so that you are one consciously with your Divine Higher Self and experience a life worth living!


Hello to those of you who may wish to read along while they are listening!

Welcome to a dynamic opportunity given to you through our selfgrowth friends David and Joe to receive such amazing life changing tools as FREE Bonuses from the wonderful best selling author and Teacher from "THE SECRET" Bob Proctor, Drew Heriot, director of "The Secret", the amazing Rev Ike and so many other amazing teachers of prosperity and the Laws Of Attraction from The Universe. These teachers can help lead you to a new PROSPEROUS truly fulfilling life!!

This is one special you WILL always be so grateful you were intelligent and intuitive enough to have taken advantage of so keep reading or listening as it is less than 3 cups of coffee so keep reading as now you know how inexpensive it is for this miraculous offer.

This special is about so much however it began because we wanted to let you all know about one of the greatest tools to help you attract what you want and that is MusiVation's™ newly re-mastered Songs For Success™ CD by MusiVation and Bob Proctor and that now includes an instructions and affirmation book.

The psychological discovery MusiVation™ is a vitally important aspect of using The Law Of Attraction that will alter your perception of learning. MusiVation™ will turn learning the Universal Laws that govern your growth, into a joy filled experience. Plus with this amazing special we have for selfgrowth.com friends you which ends at midnight Pacific Time on Wednesday, June 20th at midnight Pacific Time. You will also be receiving MANY Free Bonuses like New Paradigms™ 7 x CD program by Bob Proctor, $Money Consciousness by Rev. Ike, and so many other awesome mind/life changing products as free bonuses that are REAL products that people the world over have said has brought them to the Success they always dreamt of.

So why would you want to use these Songs For Success™ How does it work?

With this discovery MusiVation™ it works this way. The music and melody goes into the right side of your brain, the creative side where you do not just hear the music you feel the music and the positive affirmations/lyrics stimulate the left side of your brain, the logical side where we create words. This way you have a whole brain experience and the affirmations go directly into your subconscious mind which works over 300 times faster than if your affirmations are simply read out loud or written down.

PLUS the music stimulates your physicality and gives it a higher frequency which in turn helps you to FEEL better and feel happy. So even though it sounds simple it is EXTREMLY effective and FAST!! Before you know it you will be focusing on what you DO want, and joy will be felt, and enthusiasm will fill your senses.

I know even if this is in fact the most amazing thing you have ever heard about why is it with these bonus specials most people wait until the end of pages of information to let you know how much it is to be involved and to gain all of the free bonuses. Well usually because it is up there in cost so we are going to release that manipulative rubbish out of the way right now, and let you know it is only $10.00 for the Eversion/ MP3's or if you do want the actual CD and book it is only $14.95.

Please Click here now to see ALL the amazing Bonuses in detail.

So if you are wanting with all of your heart to truly begin a new life and for less than 3 cups of starbucks coffees. DRINK all of this information in now. For Now is the time to begin a new life.

Of course you can purchase this life changing CD Songs For Success™ by Bob Proctor and myself at a later date however you would NOT be able to also receive all of the extra free bonuses that we have for you which ends at midnight Pacific Time on Wednesday, June 20th.

Not only will you be helping yourself, you will also be supporting the positive work we are doing so we can bring more awareness and joy back to people's hearts and minds. This is far more than simply thinking positive thoughts, MusiVation™ does get one into such a high frequency that we connect again to our love connection, to our Higher Self.

So we THANK YOU now for being part of the selective group of people who are wanting to help themselves and help our world.

You will be able to see for yourself all the great bonuses in the link below, however as soon as you purchase Songs For Success™ we will then send you the bonus page where you can begin utilizing all of these great bonuses straight away. The bonus page we are giving you here to review does not include the links. The links to purchase Songs For Success™ CD is below and as soon as you have purchased it you will be e-mailed the live links bonus page but keep reading as there is MORE!!

Bob Proctor says "As you become immersed in the contents of your Songs For Success™ program and the New Paradigms™ miraculous and marvelous things will begin to happen with constant regularity. A new world of beauty and prosperity will unfold and brighten your life."

As you know there are no coincidences in life what you are reading (or listening to) right now is here because you are READY to create a huge breakthrough in your level of success and wish to take advantage right now of an amazing offer to help propel you forward towards true Success, $$Wealth and HAPPINESS!

Discover this for yourself or keep reading, because I am confident, my friend, that you WILL benefit immensely.

This may be the opportunity you have been living for as you could be just 5 minutes away from having your dreams come true.

If you are a seeker on the path to self discovery then you probably have seen "The Secret" (Which by the way we HIGHLY recommend) and read lots of books and been to many seminars etc. You may still feel sad or in fear. When we are sad, in fear, or longing for something we are simply soul sick and what that means is we are no longer consciously connecting to our Higher Selves.

Well how do we connect so there is no more sadness or fear?

We have to replace old negative belief systems and old tired thoughts into NEW vibrant I CAN thoughts that hold a higher frequency.

Even when we logically know that through the Law Of Attraction we create our reality and that our thoughts, when mixed with feeling, become creative forces. Well……………………….. how do we change our thoughts to positive thoughts with happy high frequency feelings in a continuous manner?

How do we do this when we just don't feel like it?

Well that is where MusiVation™ comes in to help you. We have created a great and yet simple discovery called MusiVation™.

MusiVation™ is a psychological technology I discovered while healing from a near fatal car accident in 1989, and then when I met Bob Proctor he TOO saw how powerful and FAST it was to get these new belief and new thoughts into ones sub-conscious mind through music. More specifically through fun up vibe affirmation songs that Bob Proctor's beautiful wife Linda helped us title MusiVation™

Click here now and purchase your Songs For Success™ CD!!

More about how it works!

All the great teachers, metaphysicians, and philosophers from thousands of years ago until now have said Thoughts Are Things, Your faith is what heals you, makes you rich, etc. and to use positive affirmations or auto suggestion. Well that is where the challenge comes in as it can take up to 90 days of continuous writing and saying these affirmations before they enter into the subconscious mind, which is as Bob puts it, our magical Genie. PLUS the experts say you must also FEEL happy while you are saying your affirmations or writing them out for them to enter the treasury of our Genie, our subconscious mind.

Most people give up after a few days and that is because their old paradigm does not wish to do this and it will give your mind all sorts of thoughts about why this is silly and why you should stop. And all of these thoughts will sound logical and the excuses to stop will even sound very sensible indeed. However what has happened is you have given up. It is that simple. If you don't give up, affirmations DO WORK!

As I mentioned above Musivation™ songs go into your subconscious mind 300 times faster than saying them or writing them out which is why advertising agencies invest billions of dollars on music jingles because they know even if you don't like the jingle it will stay with you forever and so will their product, so with MusiVation you get to advertise to your precious subconscious mind what YOU want not what others are wanting you to want from them!!

With MusiVation you also you start to feel better, more positive, and happier BEFORE your old belief systems/Old Paradigms have do not a chance to reject your new positive thoughts.

Simple, Powerful, and it WORKS. I am now walking again and living a life of passion and purpose because of what, at the time seemed like the worst thing that had ever happened to me after my car accident. My gifts as a singer and songwriter were finally put into a purpose that helps our beautiful world and now can help your world as well. How cool is that! Very cool and FUN!

So how this special works is when you wisely invest in yourself by purchasing MusiVation's™ Songs For Success™ by midnight Pacific time on Wednesday, June 20th. This powerful CD co written by the Great Bob Proctor in this time sensitive period you will also receive New Paradigms™ 7 CD program that you can immediately download and many, many other amazing bonuses.

All of the gifted Teachers have gifted these amazing bonuses to you because they not only know that MusiVation™ works but because they also want to support all of us to have better lives.

So go head and purchase 1 Songs For Success™ CD today. If you would like to be able to give them out to your freinds and workmates receive a HUGE 50% off with your order of 20 or more of the CD's. If you do want the wholesale orders discount as mentioned above you will have to call me at 858 268 8688 or e-mail us at musivation@aol.com

Click here now and purchase your Songs For Success™ CD!!

Months, Days, or even minutes from now you will look back upon this investment as being a wise one…it will also mark a wonderful turning point in your life.

When you do purchase this amazing CD we encourage you to follow the instructions in the booklet of Songs For Success™ and New Paradigms™ to the letter. Although these instructions are simple and at times may feel illogical…they are important and they WORK!

Last but not least….remember life is HERE and NOW. Enjoy it!


We ALL wish you a life of Fulfillemnt, Purpose, Love and Success!

Michele Blood

MusiVation International LLC
PO Box 12933
La Jolla, CA 92039
You may also order via phone at 1-858-268-8688

Please Click here now to see ALL the amazing Bonuses in detail.